Landscape Architecture

Your land tells a story. We know how to read it.
Landscape architecture is more than just putting trees in the ground and flowers around a particular site for our clients. At FCE, being able to effectively understand site conditions is key to designing successful projects. Only then can our fully staffed landscape architects and engineers begin planning and designing in earnest. Our team consists of individuals with extensive private and public-sector experience. This experience allows us to deliver unique problem-solving approaches to land design, entitlements, and project implementation strategies. We listen and respond to our clients as much as we design. In doing so, we are able to achieve an optimal blend of sustainable landscape architecture through defined opportunities and constraints of development.
“Service must precede art since all turf, trees, flowers, fences, walks, water, paint, plaster, posts and pillars in or under which there is not a purpose of direct utility or service are inartistic if not barbarous.”
― Frederick Law Olmstead Sr., Father of American Landscape Architecture
FCE has provided landscape and planning services for a variety of public and private projects that include residential and golf course communities; mixed-use centers; office, industrial and commercial developments; historic renovations, educational institutions and athletic organizations; as well as public parks. As with anything architecturally related, a beautiful setting enhances any building. By combining our landscape architectural skills with our thoughtful approach to all things engineering related, FCE strives to create dynamic places that achieve timeless appeal and are tailored to our clients’ goals and the appropriate user groups.
Our landscape design and architecture services include:
- Feasibility studies
- Land use analysis
- Site inventories & analysis
- Visual assessments & simulations
- Parks & recreation design
- Athletic facility design
- Campus planning
- Community planning
- Urban streetscape design
- Pedestrian & traffic circulation systems
- Landscape Master Plans & Planting Design
- Wetland mitigation & restoration plans
- Site lighting plans
- Sustainable site design
- Stormwater management & green infrastructure
If you would like to learn more about FCE or have questions about how FCE can serve your landscape architecture needs, please contact us by dropping us a line or calling us at (717) 845-FCAP.
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