First Capital Engineering provided the civil engineering services for Unilife, a medical device company focused on the design, development, manufacture and supply of retractable syringes. The land development plans called for the development of a 129,325 sq. ft. facility, with parking and loading spaces.
FCE coordinated with the contractors, architects and the Township for the submissions and approvals for the project’s site. The FCE team performed a survey of the land for use, and updated the sketch plan and land development plan for the area. This included a stormwater management plan, erosion and sedimentation control plan, grading and utility plan, landscape/ lighting plan and a sewer planning module.
FCE obtained the required NPDES permits, PA DEP Water Obstruction & Encroachment permit, and building permits for the site.
Featured Services
- Civil Engineering
- Land Surveying Services
- Land Development
- PA DEP Coordination
- General Permitting