Red Lion Area High School Tennis Courts
Parks and Recreation
FCE assisted Red Lion Area School District in remediating the existing tennis courts which had been constructed flat and were underlain by poor soils that were settling over time. FCE designed a subgrade reinforcing geogrid that was installed beneath the reconstructed tennis courts, which were sloped to provide proper drainage. An extensive underdrain system was also designed and installed as a part of the project in order to prevent the saturation of the soils beneath the tennis courts from the large upslope drainage area, which had been the cause of the initial settlement. FCE coordinated with Met-Ed, as vehicle access to the courts could only be obtained through a local substation. Construction documents/specifications were prepared and construction began in the summer of 2012 so that fall practice could begin as normally scheduled.
Featured Services
- Civil Engineering
- Stormwater Management Design
- Construction Inspection Services
- Bid Coordination
- Contract Administration
- Design